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5 Affordable Countries to Consider Moving to

Not everyone has the desire to move across the world, but have you ever considered that it could be the key to a more fulfilling life? It may seem like a daring decision to make, but considering the rising cost of living, it just might be the opportunity to stretch our money farther than ever before.

Whether you're a freelancer or open to relocating for a new job, there are five countries where affordable homes are still within reach. These countries demonstrate how much property we can acquire for our money if we explore the right markets.

So, what are these countries? Let's take a closer look:

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1. Brazil: An Affordable Beachfront Dream

Escaping to a tropical island is a dream for many, but the high cost often wakes us up to reality. However, Brazil offers a solution. Imagine living by the beach without breaking the bank. In Brazil, you can find a condo for as little as $50,000, and houses further inland are even more affordable. Moreover, if you own a property in a desirable location, renting it out can be a lucrative side income. Brazil truly makes beachfront living accessible to everyone.

2. Columbia: Surprisingly Affordable Living

Although cities like Cartagena and Bogotá have seen a rise in prices, there are still affordable options in Colombia. If you venture a bit further south to places like Cali, you'll find relatively low price tags. Cali offers a warm climate throughout the year, with refreshing sea breezes to cool you down. Besides the great weather, the friendly locals and authentic architecture add charm to the town. However, it's important to be aware that the affordability of houses in Colombia can be attributed to higher crime rates.

3. Ecuador: Embrace Year-round Warmth

While some countries are popular for escaping the hectic pace of the world, Ecuador remains a hidden gem. With a variety of climates, from mountains to beaches, Ecuador has something for everyone. The temperature stays above 77 degrees Fahrenheit all year long, ensuring warm weather enthusiasts are always satisfied. The country boasts stunning historic buildings, excellent architecture, reliable internet, and impressive schools. With international airports and diverse living spaces, falling in love with Ecuador is inevitable.

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4. Mexico still offers plenty of more affordable spots

Mexico is a country that has experienced a surge in house prices in certain areas recently. However, there are still some surprisingly affordable homes available if you know where to look. While beachfront properties can be quite expensive, homes in mountainous areas come at much lower prices. One of the advantages of living in Mexico is its proximity to the United States, which means shorter flights and easier travel back home. To make living in Mexico as affordable as possible, it is advisable to look for areas that are away from tourist hubs and the hustle and bustle.

5. A lot of Italy is so affordable to keep small towns alive

Italy has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years, but it has rebounded with vigor. Apart from being one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Italy offers more than one incentive for those looking to make a move. Historic buildings, including fixer-uppers, are readily available for purchase. Some towns in Sicily even sell homes for just 1 euro. However, there are certain requirements to be met. Buyers must spend at least $25,000 on renovations within three years, and they are not allowed to sell the property for at least five years. The aim of these measures is to attract a younger generation to these towns and preserve their heritage. Italy recognizes that without intervention, entire regions could be lost due to the aging population. These five countries where homes are still surprisingly affordable may serve as inspiration for those considering a move abroad. While it may not have been at the top of their agenda before, the prospect of enjoying incredible experiences and owning an affordable home simultaneously is certainly enticing.